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Full Gas Work Qualification Licensing

Note: This service is for individuals who have already passed a Department-sponsored Gas Work Qualification exam. We can also assist with applying for and passing the exam. Call us for more information at (718)307-8133.


Applying to obtain your Full Gas Work Qualification with the New York City Department of Buildings can be a long and tedious process. The DOB has countless rules and policies that can result in objections to your application.


Many people have reached out to ABC Safety Group for help after trying multiple times to apply, only to receive objections and failure from DOB's review.


ABC Safety Group streamlines the application process for you! We will help prepare all the required forms for you and ensure a smooth application process. Our experts have experience dealing with applications to DOB and are very familiar with what is required and what must be avoided.


With ABC Safety Group, you will save time and money by using our service. We will determine your qualifying experience and create a game plan for acquiring your Full Gas Work Qualification in an efficient and timely manner without the headache!

Full Gas Work Qualification Licensing

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